Best Performance, Children’s or Youth

Detention Adventure
(LoCo Motion Pictures, Broken Compass Films)
Lilly Bartlam

Detention Adventure
(LoCo Motion Pictures, Broken Compass Films)
Jack Fulton

Detention Adventure
(LoCo Motion Pictures, Broken Compass Films)
Simone Miller

Detention Adventure
(LoCo Motion Pictures, Broken Compass Films)
Ali Prijono

Detention Adventure
(LoCo Motion Pictures, Broken Compass Films)
Tomaso Sanelli

Holly Hobbie
Family Channel (WildBrain)
(Aircraft Pictures in association with Cloudco Entertainment and Wexworks Media)
Saara Chaudry

Odd Squad Mobile Unit
(Sinking Ship Entertainment)
Alyssa Hidalgo

Ukulele U
(Wow Unlimited Media Inc.)
Melanie Doane

Best Writing, Children’s or Youth

Detention AdventureFirst Impressionisms
(LoCo Motion Pictures, Broken Compass Films)
Carmen Albano

Detention Adventure Pranks, Lies, and Videotape
(LoCo Motion Pictures, Broken Compass Films)
Lisa Rose Snow

Detention AdventureSee You Later
(LoCo Motion Pictures, Broken Compass Films)
Joe Kicak

The Hardy Boys Captured!
YTV (Corus Entertainment)
(Lambur Productions Inc.)
Ramona Barckert

The Next StepOne Song Glory
YTV (Corus Entertainment)
(Boat Rocker)
Amy Cole

Best Writing, Pre-School

Agent Binky: Pets of the UniverseThe Paw And Claw Spa
Treehouse TV (Corus Entertainment)
Carolyn Hay, Hugh Duffy

Dino Ranch Light Touch Tango
(Boat Rocker Studios, Industrial Brothers, Jam Filled Entertainment)
Richard Young

The Fabulous Show with Fay and FluffyI Love Being Different
Family Jr. (WildBrain)
(Lopii Productions)
Victoria Gallant

The Fabulous Show with Fay and Fluffy I Love My Family
Family Jr. (WildBrain)
(Lopii Productions)
Tyra Sweet

Happy House of FrightensteinHeirloom Doom
Family Jr. (WildBrain)
(Headspinner Productions Inc.)
Ken Cuperus, Sandy Jobin-Bevans

Best Pre-School Program or Series, presented by Corus Entertainment

The Fabulous Show with Fay and Fluffy
Family Jr. (WildBrain)
(Lopii Productions)
Rennata Lopez, Georgina Lopez

Happy House of Frightenstein
Family Jr. (WildBrain)
(Headspinner Productions Inc.)
Michelle Melanson, Ken Cuperus, Sandy Jobin-Bevans, Mitchell Markowitz

PAW Patrol
(Spin Master Entertainment)
Jennifer Dodge, Ronnen Harary, Keith Chapman, Ursula Ziegler-Sullivan, Laura Clunie, Toni Stevens, Jonah Stroh, Dan Mokriy, Tracey Dodokin, Jason McKenzie, Damian Temporale

Pikwik Pack
Treehouse TV (Corus Entertainment)
(Guru Studio)
Frank Falcone, Rachel Reade Marcus, Kirsten Newlands

Proud to Be Me – Anti-Racism Special
CBC Kids
Lisa Wisniewski, Emily Houghton, Julie Patterson-Porter, Julia Okoth

Best Picture Editing, Children’s or Youth

All-Round ChampionHockey
Al Manson

Detention AdventureFirst Impressionisms
(LoCo Motion Pictures, Broken Compass Films)
Joe Kicak, Mike Lobel

FakesTeen Drinking is very bad…
(Reality Distortion Field)
Sabrina Pitre, CCE

Holly HobbieThe Aspiring Ally
Family Channel (WildBrain)
(Aircraft Pictures in association with Cloudco Entertainment and Wexworks Media)
Jane MacRae

Odd Squad Mobile UnitThe Problem With Pentagurps / Three Portals Down
(Sinking Ship Entertainment)
Courtney Goldman, Nathan Martinak

Best Direction, Children’s or Youth

All-Round ChampionHurdles
Graeme Lynch

The Hardy BoysThe Doctor’s Orders
YTV (Corus Entertainment)
(Lambur Productions Inc.)
Melanie Orr

Malory TowersThe New Headmistress
Family Channel (WildBrain)
(WildBrain, King Bert Productions)
Bruce McDonald

The Next StepOne Song Glory
YTV (Corus Entertainment)
(Boat Rocker)
Romeo Candido

Odd Squad Mobile UnitOdd Together Now
(Sinking Ship Entertainment)
Warren P. Sonoda

Best Children’s or Youth Non-Fiction Program or Series

All-Round Champion
Matthew Hornburg, Mark J.W. Bishop, Donna Luke, Steve Sloan, Michael A. Dunn, Andra Johnson Duke, Jim Bell, Marney Malabar

Gabby’s Farm
(Sphere Media)
Marlo Miazga, Bruno Dubé, Sean Connolly, Corinna Lehr, Daniel Bourré, Chloe Gray, Marney Malabar, Kirsten Hurd

Leo’s Pollinators
(Fifth Ground Entertainment)
Raj Panikkar, Christopher Szarka, Karen Hawes

Raven’s Quest
(Apartment 11 Productions)
Jonathan Finkelstein, Mindy Laxer, Stephanie Blanshay, Marney Malabar

Shaw Rocket Fund Kids’ Choice Award

Best Children’s or Youth Fiction Program or Series, presented by Spin Master Entertainment

Detention Adventure
(LoCo Motion Pictures, Broken Compass Films)
Lauren Corber, Joe Kicak, Carmen Albano, Ryan West

Holly Hobbie
Family Channel (WildBrain)
(Aircraft Pictures in association with Cloudco Entertainment and Wexworks Media)
Anthony Leo, Andrew Rosen, Stefan Brogren, Avi Federgreen, Daniel Barnes, Sean Gorman, Ian Lambur, Ryan Wiesbrock, Matthew Wexler, Sarah Glinski

Malory Towers
Family Channel (WildBrain)
(WildBrain, King Bert Productions)
Anne Loi, Jo Sargent, David Collier, Angela Boudreault, Josh Scherba, Yvonne Sellins, Amy Buscombe, Andra Duke, Michael Dunn, Rachel Flowerday, Sasha Hails

The Next Step
YTV (Corus Entertainment)
(Boat Rocker)
Ivan Schneeberg, David Fortier, Jon Rutherford, Bob Higgins, Amy Cole, Romeo Candido, Shaleen Sangha, Duana Taha, Amy Wright, Jan Caruana, Brandon Hackett, Brad Vermunt, Jim Corston

Odd Squad Mobile Unit
(Sinking Ship Entertainment)
J.J. Johnson, Blair Powers, Carla de Jong, Ellen Doherty, Mark De Angelis, Tim McKeon, Adam Peltzman, Sherry Lynn King, Matthew J.R. Bishop

Best Sound, Animation

PAW PatrolRescue Knights: Quest for the Dragon’s Tooth
(Spin Master Entertainment)
Richard Spence-Thomas, Tim Muirhead, Mitch Connors, Luke Dante, Kyle Peters, Ryan Ongaro, Patton Rodrigues

The Snoopy ShowHappiness Is Your Favourite Thing
Apple TV+
Todd Araki, Andrew Downton, Marcel Duperreault, Jason Fredrickson, Adam McGhie

Super WishTaste Buddies / Imagination Caboose
YTV (Corus Entertainment)
Ryan Araki, Evan Turner, Neil Parfitt, Andrew McDonnell, Richard Spence-Thomas

Thomas & Friends: All Engines GoMusic is Everywhere/Backwards Day
Treehouse TV (Corus Entertainment)
(Nelvana Limited, Mattel TV)
Ryan Araki, John Baktis, Andrew McDonnell, Simon Berry

Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go: Race for the Sodor Cup
Treehouse TV (Corus Entertainment)
(Nelvana Limited, Mattel TV)
Ryan Araki, John Baktis, Andrew McDonnell, Simon Berry

Best Original Music, Animation

Let’s Go Luna!Dig it Daddy-O
(9 Story Media Group / Brown Bag Films)
Ari Posner, Amin Bhatia, Kris Kuzdak

Pinecone & PonyLance Or Not / Treat Your Creature
Apple TV+
(First Generation Films)
Caleb Chan, Brian Chan

The Snoopy ShowDogs Don’t Say Goodbye
Apple TV+
Jeff Morrow

Super WishLegend of the Cake-Bun Bottom
YTV (Corus Entertainment)
Neil Parfitt

Team Zenko GoHarmony Harbor’s Holiday Surprise, Part 1 and 2
(Mainframe Studios Inc.)
Caleb Chan, Brian Chan

Best Writing, Animation

16 HudsonSpice Box
(Big Bad Boo Studios Inc.)
John May, Suzanne Bolch

Pinecone & PonyThe Pwettiest Pony / Try This Club On For Size
Apple TV+
(First Generation Films)
Stephanie Kaliner, Lakna Edirisinghe

The Snoopy Show Snoopy Swap
Apple TV+
Scott Montgomery

Summer MemoriesTruth or Dare
Family Channel (WildBrain)
(A&N Productions, Aircraft Pictures and Yeti Farm Creative)
Sara Peters

Team Zenko GoPet Project / Mission Improbable
(Mainframe Studios Inc.)
J. Green, Sean Jara

Best Direction, Animation

Big BlueFraidy Phil
CBC Kids (CBC)
(Guru Studio)
Riccardo Durante

Happy House of FrightensteinHeirloom Doom
Family Jr. (WildBrain)
(Headspinner Productions Inc.)
Darren Cranford

PAW PatrolRescue Knights: Quest for the Dragon’s Tooth
(Spin Master Entertainment)
Charles E. Bastien

Pinecone & PonyWhat Would Freda Do? / A Token Of Toughness
Apple TV+
(First Generation Films)
Wayne-Michael Lee

Total DramaramaTotal Trauma Rama / The Doomed Ballooned Marooned
Teletoon (Corus Entertainment)
(Fresh TV Inc.)
Keith Oliver, George Elliott

Best Performance, Animation

Agent Binky: Pets of the Universe
Treehouse TV (Corus Entertainment)
Julius Cho

Agent Binky: Pets of the Universe
Treehouse TV (Corus Entertainment)
Melody Johnson

The Snoopy Show
Apple TV+
Hattie Kragten

Summer Memories
Family Channel (WildBrain)
(A&N Productions, Aircraft Pictures and Yeti Farm Creative)
Tricia Black

Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go
Treehouse TV (Corus Entertainment)
(Nelvana Limited, Mattel TV)
Glee Dango

Best Animated Program or Series

Big Blue
CBC Kids (CBC)
(Guru Studio)
Frank Falcone, Gyimah Gariba, Rachel Reade Marcus

Denis and Me: Santa Who
WildBrainTV (WildBrain)
(Headspinner Productions Inc.)
Michelle Melanson, Diana Moore, Ken Cuperus, Denis Kopotun

The Snoopy Show
Apple TV+
Anne Loi, Josh Scherba, Stephanie Betts, Paige Braddock, Craig Schulz, Mark Evestaff, Kimberly Small

Summer Memories
Family Channel (WildBrain)
(A&N Productions, Aircraft Pictures and Yeti Farm Creative)
Adam Yaniv, Paul B. Cummings, Anthony Leo, Jason Surridge, Irene Weibel, Andrew Rosen, Ashley Ramsay, Oded Turgeman

Total Dramarama
Teletoon (Corus Entertainment)
(Fresh TV Inc.)
Tom McGillis, George Elliott, Brian Irving, Jennifer Pertsch, Terry McGurrin