2024 Canadian Screen Awards.

Best Writing, Drama Series

Tassie Cameron, Sherry White

Pretty Hard Cases

"Always A Bridesmaid"


In Season Three of Pretty Hard Cases, Detectives Samantha Wazowski and Kelly Duff reunite as partners in Guns & Gangs, facing the challenge of proving themselves to their strict Unit Commander. While their personal and professional bond grows stronger, they must confront a deadly synthetic drug sweeping Toronto. Sam rekindles an old romance with Steve, while Kelly takes a significant step with Nathan. Together, they risk their lives to dismantle a dangerous gang and halt the drug’s spread.

Episode Synopsis:
After eight months apart, Sam and Kelly reunite for a high-stakes mission: posing as bridesmaids at a wedding to extract a murder confession from Kelly's target. Success could restore their OCE credibility.

Tassie Cameron, Sherry White





Production Company:

Cameron Pictures