2024 Canadian Screen Awards.

Best Writing, Children's or Youth

Courtney Jane Walker, Matt Huether

Home Sweet Rome

"Tanti Auguri A Lucy"


After her Dad marries an Italian pop star, the cheerful, creative, and clumsy Lucy must navigate her new life with a new step-mom, at a new school, in a new city, where they speak a new language, all while 6000 miles away her best friend.

Episode Synopsis:
It’s Lucy’s 14th birthday! And it’s full of surprises! Especially since Lucy finds herself caught between feeling a little bit like a kid and a little bit like a grown-up... Francesca puts too much pressure on herself to find the perfect gift for Lucy that says, “I love you and I know you and I’m totally comfortable in a parental role.” Not an easy task!

Courtney Jane Walker, Matt Huether


Family Channel



Production Company:

First Generation Films, Red Monk Studio