Connie Edwards, Pamela Tomlinson, Brian Chambers
By Hook or By Cook
It is said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Bruce Cook’s journey starts with his last. Seven years ago, while attempting the world’s first free-style motocross double front flip, Bruce Cook broke his back and became paralyzed. With the help of a few friends and some key modifications, 10 months later, Bruce would be the world’s first paraplegic to land a back flip. With a passion for progression and a focus on fun, Bruce began modifying and adapting equipment to allow him the adventure and adrenaline he craved. It has been 7 years since his injury, and Bruce has set out on a mission to help people with disabilities experience adventure. Through innovative modifications and a lot of trial and error, Bruce and his friends will help others realize their epic adventures… By Hook, or by Cook.
Connie Edwards, Pamela Tomlinson, Brian Chambers
Accessible Media Inc.
Accessible Media Inc.
Production Company:
1254476 B.C. Ltd.