Patricia McNeil
A Brother's Love | La femme de mon frère
After failing to secure a faculty position in the Philosophy department, 35-year-old Sophia is forced to ‘temporarily’ move in with her older brother Karim. Given their close relationship, he’s more than happy to share his place with his little sister. Their unbreakable bond will be put to the test when, for the first time in his life, Karim falls head over heels in love. Feeling abandoned, Sophia is forced to question her real purpose in life and make choices that will allow her to finally become an adult.
Sophia, jeune et brillante diplômée sans emploi, vit chez son frère Karim. Leur relation fusionnelle est mise à l’épreuve lorsque Karim, séducteur invétéré, tombe éperdument amoureux d’Eloïse, la gynécologue de Sophia...Nominees | Finalistes:
Patricia McNeil
Production Company | Maison De Production: